Top 5 Dietitian Approved Supermarket Snacks 

Top 5 Dietitian Approved Supermarket Snacks 

We get it - nutrition can be confusing! And choosing the right snacks is no exception. Are some snacks better than others? Is there a guide to snacking? How do you choose the perfect snack option? Should you even be snacking?! 

The truth is, there are some snacks that are going to be more healthy than others, and yes snacking can absolutely be included in a healthy diet! Those with higher activity levels or increased energy requirements may NEED to snack to meet their recommended intake. In this article, our dietitians give you their top 5 supermarket snacks to keep you feeling full and satisfied and simplify the snacking world.


High protein yoghurt

Adding protein into your snacks is a big tick from us! Protein is the more satiating macronutrient and helps to keep you full between meals. High protein yoghurt also gives you a boost of calcium and helps to meet your dairy serves for the day! 

Our tips

  • Aim for >8g of protein per 100g 
  • Aim for <3g sugar per 100g 
  • Bonus points for pairing it with some fruit to add some fibre and micronutrients! 

High protein muesli bars

Arguably the most convenient, portable snack for work or those busy life days! Keeping a muesli bar in your bag can be a saviour when you get caught out with a case of the hangries between meals! Many high protein muesli bars provide you with fibre, carbohydrates and energy to fuel your busy days. 


Cheese/tuna & wholegrain biscuits

This snack gives you a good amount of energy with a relatively small food volume, making it fantastic for those with higher energy requirements. It also provides protein, fibre and carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energised. Big wins from us! 


Veggie sticks & cottage cheese 

A high protein snack that also ticks off one of your veggie serves for the day! If you need to increase the energy we’d recommend pairing this with some wholegrain crackers or turning it into a snack plate with some in season fruit!


High fibre, whole grain cereal 

Who said cereal was reserved for breakfast? Cereal can be a speedy, delicious mid-morning or afternoon snack providing carbs, fibre, and crunch! Some of our favourites include weet-bix, sultana bran and oats. By pairing this with a protein shake or a serving of high protein yoghurt you’ll also increase the protein content of the snack, keeping you fuller for longer. 

Snacking is definitely a yes from us. It helps to maintain your energy levels throughout the day resulting in less extreme hunger at main meals and gives you more opportunities to meet your nutritional requirements. When choosing a snack aim for those high in protein and/or fibre to really maximise your fullness and satisfaction between meals, and take any chance you can to add some fruit & veg! 

Happy snacking. 

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